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lunes, junio 01, 2009


Supreme Court to hear 'business methods' case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday set the stage for a landmark decision on the patentability of 21st century creations from software to biotech — an issue on which Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor could make a significant difference if confirmed. Justices agreed to review the case Bilski v. Doll, a challenge to a ruling last fall by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that narrowed the patentability of so-called "business methods," shorthand for a broad range of processes not tied to manufacturing.

Appeals Court Weighs Patent Dispute in Export Case

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit met en banc Friday afternoon to examine a hot button issue in the intellectual property world: whether patents on processes are protected by a law that says a company can be held liable for infringement for exporting the components of an invention patented in the United States to be manufactured abroad.


Supreme Court Roundtable

Supreme Court correspondent Tony Mauro and a panel of distinguished Supreme Court practitioners, each of whom argued one or more cases in the 2008-09 Supreme Court term, analyze the changes in the Court this term, the strategies of the lawyers who won and lost, and the outlook for the 09-10term. Monday, July 6 Georgetown Univ. Law Center. Call 202-828-0362 or click here for information to attend.

Press and Guantanamo Lawyers Score Victory Over Documents

A coalition of news organizations and Guantanamo lawyers won a round in federal court this morning, when a judge rejected the government's request to seal hundreds of unclassified documents.

Sotomayor's Law Clerks Sing Her Praises

On Monday the White House released a joint letter signed by 45 Sotomayor clerks and sent to leaders and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.


SAGE Disaster Recovery Seminar 6/16

On June 16, join SAGE for a breakfast seminar to get your Disaster Recovery Plan out of limbo by developing realistic objectives for getting your people and systems back to work in a reasonable manner. The seminar will cover how small/medium firms can develop affordable DR plans, put them in place, and new options for back-up and recovery. To learn more or register, please visit www.sagesol.com/lt/.

White House Expands Stimulus Lobbying Rules

Late Friday, White House ethics counsel Norman Eisen posted an update on the White House blog, expanding the administration's restrictions on lobbying for stimulus money beyond federally registered lobbyists to all persons pushing for funding.


NLJ and Legal Times for 30 days free

If you have Twitter account, you can now follow NLJ Editor in Chief David L. Brown at twitter.com/davidlbrownjr. Follow him for links to key stories and updates from the NLJ newsroom. You can also track news on Twitter from the NLJ's Washington bureau at twitter.com/legal_times.


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e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
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La economía del boca a boca y el ejemplo del caso Domino's Pizza

La economía del boca a boca y el ejemplo del caso Domino's Pizza

Posted: 31 May 2009 11:02 AM PDT


Es curioso a veces de donde sacamos nuestra fuente de inspiración para las entradas. Resulta que uno se entera que el Grupo Zena rompe su acuerdo con Pizza Hut, para firmar uno nuevo con Domino's Pizza, por el cual introducirá esta franquicia en España con varios establecimientos. La noticia para mí, sin embargo, no está en la llegada de la empresa en la que se fijó Telepizza para copiar su modelo de negocio e implantarlo en España, sino en la crisis que le tocó vivir a la empresa americana hace pocas fechas por no tener bajo control al nuevo marketing (Internet), y al poder del boca a boca y sus nuevas herramientas sociales (Social Media: twitter, facebook, tuenti y youtube), y cómo habrá valorado esto el grupo español.

Resulta que en uno de los establecimientos de Domino's Pizza, en realidad de un pueblo tan remoto que casi es difícil encontrarlo en el mapa, dos de los empleados encargados de manipular los alimentos y elaborar las pizzas, se grabaron en vídeo haciendo todo tipo de guarradas con la masa, y, listos ellos, luego lo subieron a Youtube. A partir de ahí el revuelo se montó en un instante, apareciendo lo que se ha denominado como la crisis 101, aquella en la que se ve envuelta tu empresa en apenas 10 minutos, cuando el efecto boca a boca de twitter hace acto de presencia, y además, google sitúa en la portada a una búsqueda de tu marca, un enlace en los primeros resultados al problema.